Things that will automatically disqualify you:
1) Having an eviction
2) Owing a past landlord money
3) Owing a utility company (PG&E, City
utilities, etc.)
4) Owing a Bail Bond service
5) Giving false or incomplete information on
an application
6) A Landlord Questionnaire must be filled out
by all past landlords or you will be denied
(regardless if your past landlord was family
or a friend).
1) We can raise the deposit up to double
the amount of the rent
2) We can raise the rent to an agreed
amount that would cover the risk
(For example – When you purchase car
insurance it is based on your record, the
higher the risk the higher the cost)
3) We can get a strong co-signer
4) We can charge an up front Broker Fee up
to $1000
5) Or we can do all of the above